MTFGFA General Rules available on Drop Box

Milford Twp FGFA Revised General Rules 2023.pdf
MTFGFA Steel Target Guidelines.pdf

MTFGFA Club Rules

Milford Township Fish, Game, and Forestry Association

(A Non-Profit Organization)

1685 Canary Rd. Quakertown, PA 18951

(215) 536-7875

GENERAL RULES (Rev. 03-01-2023)

1.     Any person who uses these facilities accepts responsibility for their own actions and for those whom they are acting as legal guardian. Safety is the responsibility of everyone.

2.     It is the responsibility of each member to be familiar with, fully understand and abide by all the rules set forth hereon.

3.     Junior members, ages 8 through 17 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian that:

a)     Is at least 21 years of age…

b)     Is a current member in good standing…

c)     Has attended a club safety orientation.

4.     Children 8 – 12 years of age can shoot 22 caliber rim fire rifle/ pistol, shotgun not larger than 20 gauge and muzzleloaders.

5.     Children under the age of 8 are not permitted on ranges at any time.

6.     Persons 18 years of age or older may apply for regular membership. A discount of 50% will be applied to full time college students up to age 25. A discount of 50% will be applied to all full-time active military personnel.

7.     All club members must display their club issued parking permit on the dashboard of their vehicle when using club property.

8.     All club members using the club property must record their club identification number and all required information at the sign-in box.

9.     Any accident, incident or mishap that occurs on club property must be reported to the Board of Directors immediately with as much information as possible explaining the situation.

10. Alcoholic beverages of any type are strictly prohibited on club property.

11. The use of over-the-counter, prescription or other drugs that may alter or impair your ability or judgment when handling or shooting a firearm on club property is strictly prohibited.

12. Shooters, shooter supervisor(s) and all persons while on any firearm range must wear the proper eye and ear protection at all times.

13. Fluorescent orange outerwear while on the club property or using club amenities are    

      as follows…

a)     250 square inches of fluorescent orange outerwear that is visible 360 degrees on the head, chest and back combined will be observed by all during the Pennsylvania general hunting season through the Pennsylvania spring turkey season September 11th through May 31st  


b)     Exceptions:

1) Wearing fluorescent orange outerwear is not required to be observed while using either the short or long firearm range.

2) Wearing fluorescent orange outerwear is not required to be observed while in the club house or within the club house parking area located on Carnary Road.

3) Wearing fluorescent orange outerwear is not required to be observed for any club sanctioned event where wearing fluorescent orange outerwear is deemed unnecessary.  

14. During the Pennsylvania general hunting season through the Pennsylvania spring turkey season September 11th through May 31st all service animals and or pet animals must wear fluorescent orange outerwear while on the club property that is visible 360 degrees covering the entire chest and back.

15. All shooting on all ranges shall cease one half hour before sunset and will be strictly enforced. A Sunrise/Sunset table is available on the club website or by going directly to…  

16. Any unauthorized person using the club property without authorization will be held liable for trespassing.

17. All members are to conduct themselves in a sportsman-like manner. Profanity, and or any language considered abusive, as well as any type of horseplay is strictly prohibited.

18. All new members must attend the “new member’s orientation class” before they are permitted to use the club’s amenities.  

19. Ranges are unavailable for use during clubhouse or facility rentals and or special events.

20. No fires are permitted on the club property unless authorized by the club Officers and or the Board of Directors.

21. Smoking is prohibited at all ranges.

22. Any violation or failure to adhere to and comply with every and all the club rules, is cause for suspension from all club privileges which includes the use of the club property and is subject to expulsion from club membership. Action(s) concerning the suspension and or expulsion of a member due to violating any club rules will be determined by the Board of Directors on an individual basis.

 GENERAL FIREARM SAFETY RULES (Safety is everyone’s first and foremost responsibility)


1.     Always treat your firearm as if were loaded, until you personally prove it otherwise.

2.     Always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction. (A safe direction is defined as any direction where the bullet or shot will not harm a person if the firearm is discharged.)

3.     Always keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

4.     Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

5.     Always keep your firearm unloaded and the action open when your firearm is not in use.

6.     Load your firearm only when ready to shoot.

7.     Never point your firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot.

8.     Learn the mechanical and handling characteristics of your firearm.

9.     Always use the proper ammunition.

10. Be sure the barrel is clear of obstructions before loading and shooting.

11. Do not rely on the gun's safety to keep it from firing.

12. Be aware of your surroundings when handling firearms.

13. Due to the potential for ricochet, never shoot at a hard, flat surface or water.

14. If your firearm falls from your hand, do not try to stop it, let it fall to the ground, when it is safe, carefully retrieve the firearm picking it up by the grip with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.

15. If your firearm fails to fire when the trigger is pressed, hold your shooting position for several seconds; (NRA states up to sixty seconds); then with the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, carefully and completely unload the firearm.

16. Never pass or accept a firearm to or from another person until the action is open and you have checked that the firearm is completely unloaded.

17. Regularly clean your firearm in order for it to operate correctly and safely.

18. Before cleaning your firearm, check your firearm to ensure that it is completely empty and free of any and all ammunition.

19. Questions concerning firearms; see owner’s manual and or consult a weapons expert.


SHORT RANGE RULES (A.K.A. The Pistol Range)   


1.     The short range will open at 9:00 am daily, Monday through Saturday and will be open at 12:00 pm (noon) on Sunday. All shooting shall cease one half hour before sunset, and will be strictly enforced.

2.     Instantly obey all firing line commands.

3.     A maximum of ten (10) consecutive shots and or ten (10) consecutive rapid-fire shots are permitted at one time, with handguns and long guns, twenty-five (25) yards or under, unless sanctioned by a club organized events.  

4.     Full-automatic firearms are prohibited.

5.      A maximum of ten (10) rounds or less per magazine is permitted for handguns, long guns and tactical shotguns. For defensive shotgun while shooting at the backstop 10 rounds is permissible.  

6.     For shotgun usage, the only aerial targets permitted are clay pigeons with only two (2) rounds per shotgun with number seven and a half (#7 ½) shot or smaller being the heaviest shot permitted. When shooting clay pigeons, shooters must stay inside the pipe frame situated at the fifty-yard bench, and the birds must fly within the poles at either side of the range backstop.

7.     Only paper targets including solid color silhouette target without any distinguishable human characteristics, such as, facial features, limbs, etc., are permitted and are to be hung between the top and the bottom wooden stringers and only on the backing board.

8.     No targets may be attached directly to any wooden posts, poles or stringers except when using a shotgun. Targets for shotgun are to be mounted only on the outside of the far-left wooden post.

9.     Steel plate targets may be used by strictly adhering to the eight following condition

a)     Commercial polymer pass-through targets may be used…

b)     Target may not be higher than 5 feet to the top…

c)     Targets should pivot or fall to help absorb the bullets energy…

d)     Targets must be commercially made or self-made targets must be fashioned after commercially made units entirely made of steel with a minimum steel plate thickness of 3/8 inch…

e)     Targets should be placed to the side of, and in-line with, the wood framed target supports…

f)       Shooter must stay a minimum of 25 feet from the target while shooting…

g)     Metal targets can be mounted with support chains from the far-left stringer only…

h)     All conditions under number nine apply with the exception of a club sanctioned even

10. Police the range at the conclusion of your shoot. Remove all targets, used cartridge casings, ammunition boxes and all other trash and place in proper receptacle(s).

11.  All misfired and or live ammunition must be removed from the club property by the shooter.

12. All actions must be open and the firearm unloaded when anyone is down range.

13. A limit of only four (4) shooters at a time with the exception of a club sanctioned event.

14. The firing line is established by the first shooter on the range.

15. Using the various yard range areas with multiple shooters at the same time is prohibited.

16. Be courteous and be willing to share and or yield to other members who wish to use the range and or its various range areas.  

17. Help us to have safe and clean firearm range.


LONG RANGE RULES (A.K.A. The Rifle Range)  


1.     The rifle range will open at 9:00 am daily, Monday through Saturday and will be open at 12:00 pm (noon) on Sunday. All shooting shall cease one half hour before sunset.

2.     Instantly obey all firing line commands.

3.     Fully automatic rifles are prohibited.

4.     Only paper targets including solid color silhouette target without any distinguishable human characteristics, such as, facial features, limbs, etc., are permitted and are to be hung between the top and bottom wooden stringers on the backing board.

5.     No targets may be attached directly to any wooden posts, poles or stringers.

6.     All sighting in of firearms shall start at 25 yards, and at the 50-yard range, at all times.

7.     Police the range at the conclusion of your shoot. Remove all targets, used cartridge casings, ammunition boxes and all other trash and place in proper receptacle(s).

8.     All misfired and or live ammunition must be removed from the club property by the shooter.

9.     All actions must be open and the firearm unloaded when anyone is down range.

10. A maximum of ten (10) rounds or less per magazine is permitted.  

11. Rapid firing of rifles is prohibited.

12. A limit of only four (4) shooters at a time with the exception of a club sanctioned event.

13. All rifle shooting must be from the rifle Shooting Shelter only.

14. Be courteous and be willing to share and or yield to other members who wish to use the range.

15. Help us to have safe and clean firearm range.



1.     Hunters must sign in and file harvest report.

2.     All Pennsylvania Game Commission hunting regulations must be obeyed.

3.     One deer to be harvested off of club grounds per year, per member.

4.     NO organized drives for game on club grounds.

5.     NO baiting allowed.

6.     Portable Stands only. Screw-in spikes are prohibited.

7.     Any hunter using a tree stand or who is on club grounds, must use a full body type safety harness with an up-to-date manufacturing tag.

8.     Hunters must use a safety line with a minimum 3/8” diameter safety rope with a crussik knot.

9.     Tree stands and blinds can be put in two weeks prior to the beginning of hunting season and must be removed within two weeks of season’s end.

10. All stands and blinds must have members number visibly displayed from ground level, with a minimum 4-inch fluorescent orange band just above eye level wrapped around the tree your stand is attached to or next to your blind.

11. Any stands found left in woods, outside of the above approved times, will be removed by the club and become club property.

12. No cutting of tree limbs.

13. No feeding of wildlife. This includes, but is not limited to: Fruit, hay, feed, grain, salt, mineral, or ANY material that would be considered to be food.

14. No possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages on club grounds.

15. No one shall discharge any firearm or bow on club grounds randomly.

16. No removal of wildlife, which would include: Animals, fish, flora or mineral unless legally taken during open seasons.

17. No motorized vehicles, non-motorized vehicles, conveyance or animal to be used for transportation on club grounds, unless sanctioned by a club event.

18. No release of captive bred wildlife, domestic animal or raised game on club grounds.

19. As per the Pennsylvania Game Commission Hunting Hours Table, hunting may begin thirty (30) minutes before sunrise and must end thirty (30) minutes after sunset in which all hunters must vacate the club grounds.

20. The following safety zones regulations must be adhered to

a)     50 yards from building or structure when using Archery…

b)     150 yards from building or structure when using Firearms.

21. Only one (1) tree stand is permitted per each member.




1.     Members must have a valid membership card openly displayed at all times while fishing.

2.     Members 16 years and older must have a valid Pennsylvania state fishing license, and trout stamp needed if applicable.

3.     Junior members must be accompanied by an adult member of the club.

4.     No alcoholic beverages are permitted.

5.     No cleaning of fish on club property.

6.     Catch and release only for all species to promote natural reproduction until further notice. Exceptions will be given on trout during the fish derby.

7.     You may fish anywhere with any type of tackle or bait that is allowed by Pennsylvania State fishing regulations.

8.     Trout creel per day is three (3) during the entire season except for the Trout Derby (derby rules apply). All other species will adhere to Pennsylvania State fishing regulations.

9.     All fish must be kept on stringer.

10. Only one rod with line in the water per person in your party.

11. Barbless hooks only.

12. No harvesting of bait fish with nets from the pond.

13. No swimming or wading. You may enter the water to assist in landing a fish.

14. No ice fishing.

15. No boating.




1.     Only longbows, recurves and compound bows may be used to shoot the bag targets in the practice area.

2.     You may bring your own target or use the broadhead target for shooting a crossbow.

3.     There is a 15-target bale course on the club grounds, use of crossbows on them is at your own risk.




NRA hygiene guidelines are intended to minimize exposure to airborne gunshot residue and cleaning product residues. Everybody exposed at the range or cleaning area, even if he did not participate in the shooting session, should follow these guidelines…

1.     Refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, or otherwise placing hands in proximity to the mouth or nose while on the range or cleaning a gun.

2.     Wash your hands and face with cold water after leaving the range or cleaning area before eating, or drinking.

3.     Change and wash clothing after a shooting or gun cleaning session to minimize exposure to airborne gunshot residue or solvent and cleaning product residues.

4.     The above-mentioned hygiene guidelines are for your safety and it is your personal responsibility to implement or disregard.  


As a member of Milford Township Fish, Game, and Forestry Association, you affirmatively agree to assume all liability for your use or misuse of all the rules shown hereon and agree not to hold Milford Township Fish, Game, and Forestry Association liable for your use or misuse of any of the rules shown hereon.

Steel Target Shooting Guidelines for the Short Range

1.     Never shoot steel core, steel jacket, tungsten alloys, iron, solid copper ammo, magnum rifle rounds or armor-piercing ammunition designed to penetrate ballistic armor and protective shields. 

2.     Do not shoot targets with BB’s, Pellets, or Air Soft. They do not have enough force to splatter and will ricochet. 

3.     Do not shoot closer than the 15 Yards Range Area with a handgun  

4.     Do not shoot closer than 100 yards with a rifle  

5.     Do not shoot a caliber larger than .308.  

Minimum shooting distances per caliber: 

1.     15 Yards Range Area…22 Rim Fire; .380acp; 9mm; 10mm; .357; .38 Special; .40SW; .44 Special; .45acp; Shotgun with lead bird shot 

2.     20 Yards…Shotgun with standard velocity 00 buck shot 

3.     50 Yards…Shotgun with standard velocity slug 

4.     100 Yards…30-30 

5.     150 Yards…308